Friday, January 7, 2011

Close- Up Still Lifes

These pictures were taken for my final project in Studio Photography.  We were able to shoot whatever subject we wanted utilizing what we had previously learned throughout the semester such as strobe lighting, hot lights, use of plexiglass, soft box to create whatever lighting situation we wanted.  The above images are close-up photographs of a still life.  Using a macro-lense I focused in on certain areas that I found most intriguing both compositionally and the combination of different colors.  The two vases are set up on top of a plexi-glass table and there is a strobe light and hot box underneath the table lighting the still life.  On top of the soft box I placed several different colors of gels that would reflect off the glasses and bring in many interesting colors.  Overall, I was really happy with how the pictures turned out, as some of them don't really look too much like a vase but just an interesting array of colors.

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