Friday, January 7, 2011


In addition to photography, I also enjoy painting.  These works are from a class called Painting and the Photograph.  We used a lot of wintergreen transfers--which is taking an image black& white or color and printing it out or making a photocopy.  Then you take the picture place it face down on the surface and paint the oil onto the back.  After that you start to burnish it using a spoon or burnisher and the image then is transferred to the canvas.  The process can be tedious and otheriwse frustrating if the picture is too dark or there is not enough ink in the picture to transfer the image entirely. However, sometimes it is interesting to see what came out of the process and continue to work with it.  Most of my works in this class incorporated some form of text, mostly illegible, aside from the second painting which is just transfers paint and pastel.  I enjoyed the contrast between organic shapes and the structured, geometric lines in the other paintings.  I like to work with shape and form, as well as dripping paint and allowing it to work the surface in its own course. 

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